Retirement Community Mental Health NY

Retirement and advancing in age do not mean you can’t still keep that mind sharp! Here are some tips of what you can do to keep that mind going as you age.

Adding some consistent reading into your daily routine can keep the brain strong. There are many different choices with reading that will result in a host of benefits. Reading a newspaper or a magazine themed around a topic of interest can help you absorb information and knowledge. Novels and works of fiction can assist a reader in visualizing what is being told in the story and can aid the creative part of the brain. Additionally, reading supports word memorization and keeps your mind fully engaged.

Exercise for seniors is paramount, with proven benefits to the mind and body. The old expression states, “A body in motion, stays in motion.” Staying active and incorporating consistent exercise into your routine is not only great for your physical health, but your mental health also. It can help reduce stress and can avoid feelings of depression. Keeping yourself in shape can be a boost for your immune system as well as gaining self-confidence, which is another terrific way to stay mentally fit. You don’t need to confine yourself to a community gym or weight training, you can ride a bike down the road, take a walk in nature and appreciate all that’s around you, enjoy the water by going for a swim, or spend some time in your garden. Games that engage your mind like pickleball or tennis can increase mental clarity while you get an exercise in.

Spending Time with Family
During retirement, it can be easy for feelings of loneliness and solitude to creep in. Curb these feelings by scheduling time with your family or loved ones. As a grandparent, you should also be spending time with your grandkids! Quality time with your grandchildren can help keep your mind young. You can also teach them new skills or share your experiences and knowledge, since their minds are constantly developing. This act of teaching, paired with the time you are able to spend with your grandchildren, can be a great boost to your mental health!

A good amount of rest is needed no matter what age you are. It’s recommended for older adults to get seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Not only is this beneficial to your physical health, but it helps boost your energy levels, which can help you feel productive, engaged, and accomplished.

Having Fun!
One of the most important tips in life is to enjoy every second of it! Get that serotonin flowing and keep your mind engaged and sharp! Try a jigsaw puzzle, a crossword, or watch a television show that makes you laugh. You can also enjoy social events with friends and family or engage in a new project you’ve been itching to start.
There are many things that a retirement-age senior can do to keep their mind sharp. Take advantage of the time you finally have, you deserve it!

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