Swimming Pool Benefits Blog - Retirement Community Orange County, NY - Glen Arden

The sounds and smells of summer can bring back fond childhood memories. Whether you remember playing in the pool with your friends, laying on the beach listening to the ocean waves, or going to your friend’s lake house for the summer, the feeling you get from being in the water is unlike any other. Not only is the pool great for that feeling of nostalgia, it also has a lot of other benefits. Here’s a list of some of the benefits of swimming.

Swimming Provides a Great Workout

This activity allows for an increased heart rate while having little impact stress. The water resistance provides an all-over body workout because almost all of your muscles are used while swimming. Swimming laps every day can allow you to maintain a healthy weight while also building muscle. Many people love swimming right after they wake up to start their day feeling refreshed and awake.

Peaceful & Relaxing

Water can be comforting and a stress alleviator to many people. Even if you are not swimming laps, just spending time in the pool can be what you need to find some peace. The peaceful nature of water can have a positive impact on your mental health.

Socialize & Join A Team

The pool can be a way to meet new people, or even join a team. At Glen Arden, you can join a water aerobics team to get some exercise while socializing with your neighbors. If water aerobics is not for you, you can still enjoy the pool with some friends.

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